Hyaluronic acid: are you really taking it the right way?

Hyaluronic acid: are you really taking it the right way?

Free to move through different fluids in your body, hyaluronic acid is found in the vitreous humor of your eyes as well as in the synovial fluid of your joints and many other parts of the body.

It is, among other things, in the extracellular matrix that it proves very useful, since it serves as an “anchor point” for many proteins. This characteristic causes almost 50% of hyaluronic acid to concentrate in your skin.

Conceived naturally within your cells from the first years of your life, this element rhyming with "youth" sees its production decrease, in the same way as collagen, over time from the twenties.

To remedy this, anti-aging nutricometics suggests that you consume food supplements that are filled with it. However, some fear that hyaluronic acid is a fragile molecule and that to benefit your skin, it is necessary to consume it in a certain way.

Orally with tea, coffee, orange juice? What is the difference with injections?

Take stock of your hyaluronic acid intake today to find out if you're really taking it the right way.

Hyaluronic acid: understand how to consume it by knowing how it works

To know if you're consuming hyaluronic acid in the best way, you first need to understand how your body processes it.

In a study 1 carried out by the team of researcher Mamoru Kimura and published in 2016, the scientific community is interested in what this active ingredient becomes when it is ingested orally.

The resulting publication addresses an essential question asked by many consumers: "Doesn't the digestive system destroy the hyaluronic acid that we consume orally?"

In other words: is it really useful and effective to take food supplements based on hyaluronic acid?

The journey of hyaluronic acid in your body after ingestion

When you consume hyaluronic acid orally, it passes through your stomach and intestines under different levels of temperature, pressure and PH.

As Mamoru Kimura's study shows, the hyaluronic acid molecule is not only detected in salts: it passes the "obstacle" that is your digestion process to nourish your skin but also the entire body. your body. To understand this, two essential steps must be considered:

  1. The transformation, thanks to the intestinal bacterial flora, of hyaluronic acid into oligosaccharides (molecules playing the role of "sugar", that is to say an energy reserve in humans and animals);
  2. The passage of oligosaccharides, smaller than the original hyaluronic acid, through the membrane of the large intestine to reach the blood which will irrigate the entire body, including the skin cells.

Two years before Kimura's publication, a study 2 conducted by Chinatsu Kawada already highlighted the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid consumed orally to treat dry skin problems.

The guarantor of good hydration

Capable of capturing nearly 1000 times its weight in water, hyaluronic acid is a true champion of the logistics necessary for nourishing your extracellular environment.

Covering the needs of your collagen and elastin in terms of hydration, this molecule is one of the constituents of the environment in which your skin cells bathe.

It is, among other things, because hyaluronic acid is present in sufficient quantity that your epidermis maintains its suppleness.

Hyaluronic acid injections

Still very popular today in the world of aesthetics, hyaluronic acid injections unfortunately only have a very localized effect.

However, responding to needs that are very different from those experienced by cream consumers, they can be useful on an ad hoc basis without being part of a beauty and health routine. In fact, it is rather the creams that fulfill this role.

The cream for local application without surprises

The cream therefore proves to be the preferred choice for local skin application of hyaluronic acid as part of a daily routine.

On the other hand, they only penetrate the superficial layers of the epidermis, for targeted results on the surface.

Anti-aging food supplement: a source of hyaluronic acid for deep treatment

Treating in depth the causes of skin aging: this is the objective of nutricosmetics.

It is by targeting the heart of the problem (the slowdown in the production of hyaluronic acid by your cells) that a dietary supplement can offer unique long-term results.

This approach is based on a good understanding of the mechanisms of aging and the principles of healthy nutrition. But be careful, you still need to choose your nutricosmetic carefully.

By composing products whose formula nourishes the skin from the inside, it becomes possible to slow down and support aging overall.

Anti-aging cream and supplementation: the ideal “non-invasive” approach

Therefore, replacing your hyaluronic acid creams with food supplements does not make much sense as some offer you local results while others apply to your entire body.

It is rather in the form of a combination that you will best benefit from the benefits of hyaluronic acid.

Indeed, even if supplementing with a quality hyaluronic acid will guarantee you benefits that a cream cannot offer you, the latter remains essential to benefit from relatively rapid effects on the area of ​​application of your skin.

Acting on the surface and in depth for the short and long term: this is what the joint consumption of hyaluronic acid in cream and as a food supplement allows.

Consuming hyaluronic acid as a dietary supplement the right way

If hyaluronic acid in the form of powder stick can be consumed orally with different drinks (hot, cold, coffee-based, juice, etc.), it is generally recommended to take it with a simple glass of water .

The main reason is to maximize its effectiveness.

Indeed, the best anti-aging and moisturizing food supplements based on hyaluronic acid work on the synergy model, that is to say the association of hyaluronic acid with other molecules such as peptides. of collagen.

To optimize the results of this synergy and not to destroy the molecules that participate in it (notably collagen), avoid coffee, tea, juices... generally hot or acidic drinks, in other words: prefer a simple glass of water.

MyCollagenLift: your anti-aging partner, ideal source of hyaluronic acid

It is by taking care to integrate the power of various synergies with high-quality ingredients that the MyCollagenLift food supplement has become an essential reference in anti-aging expertise.

“Product of exceptional quality” according to the IEA, this nutricosmetic signed MyPUREskin contains, among other things, excellent quality hyaluronic acid to compose an exclusive formula meeting 3 objectives: nourish, stimulate and protect your cells.

Providing your skin and your body in general with the elements that are often lacking in the context of good nutrition and skin aging, MyCollagenLift is a source of:

  • Marine collagen peptides stimulate your own collagen production, ensuring better elasticity and firmness of your skin;
  • Hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes your epidermis and dermis to restore their suppleness;
  • Ceramides extracted from wheat oil preventing your imperceptible loss of water, thus optimizing your hydration over time;
  • Organic silicon capable of restructuring your entire skin envelope.

At the same time, the protection against premature aging that MyCollagenLift offers your skin is found in:

  • Its polyphenols (grape OPCs) capable of targeting and neutralizing free radicals;
  • Its vitamin C extracted from acerola fruit, known for its exceptional antioxidant properties;
  • Its vitamin E, also contributing to your fight against oxidative stress by combining synergistically with vitamin C;
  • Its zinc, a natural ally of SOD to trap free electrons;
  • Its SOD (SuperOxide Dismutase), the real keystone of the anitoxidant complex that is MyCollagenLift, protecting your cells both from the inside and the outside.

Ready to enjoy the benefits of MyCollagenLift hyaluronic acid for progressive results appearing from the first month of your treatment? Give your skin a second youth!

  1. Research led by Mamoru Kimura: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27982756/
  2. Study by Chinatsu Kawada: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25014997/