Threatened from all sides, your skin is the site of a battle between your immune system and pathogens from the outside world.
Among the latter, white staphylococcus is enough to make you tremble: this bacteria exists in several strains, three of which are multi-resistant (born in a hospital environment), thus becoming one of the major causes of nosocomial diseases!
Skin, nasal, urinary infections... the list of health problems that this microorganism can cause in humans is not very attractive.
However, the aggressiveness of this tiny creature could well prove to be of capital use.
Like the judoka exploiting the strength of his opponent, some researchers have discovered a way to take advantage of the properties of staphylococcus white to protect your skin beyond what it already allows.

Although it can be responsible for many illnesses, Staphylococcus Epidermis (white staphylococcus) is actually very useful as long as your skin and immune system are functioning properly.
Its presence on the surface of your skin (in the group of bacteria that make up your commensal flora) allows you to protect yourself from invasions of other pathogens.
In other words, it is because staphylococcus white already takes up a significant part of the surface of your skin that other bacteria have difficulty colonizing it.
Also capable of devouring many of these new arrivals, SB (white staphylococcus) contributes to your overall immunity.
But the consequences caused by the presence of this microorganism do not stop there.
Immunodepression, autoimmune diseases, deteriorated skin... staphylococcus white, friend or foe?
Indeed, in immunocompromised people, SB will tend to develop too significantly.
Additionally, wounds, cuts and other sores on the surface of your skin are ideal entry points for this creature.
The combination of weak immunity and a pathway to SB are likely to return this bacteria to its original role as a pathogen, far from the peaceful coexistence that it has maintained for millennia with your body.
This is among other reasons why regular maintenance of your skin is a non-negotiable necessity.
A very useful ambivalence
This ambivalence in the roles it can assume makes SB a source of progress and hope for scientific research, as illustrated by the recent work of Doctor Michael Otto of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
In his February 2022 publication entitled “Cell Host and Microbe”¹, Otto highlights a little-known part of the benefits our skin derives from the presence of staphylococcus white. This would, among other things, limit the imperceptible loss of water from the outermost layer of the skin.
The role of staphylococcus white in this process is due to the fact that it produces an enzyme, sphingomyelin diesterase (or “sphingomyelinase”), one of the key properties of which is the natural destructuring of certain fatty acids into ceramides (which are elements essential for skin hydration).
As Dr. Otto himself says, this discovery paves the way for probiotic treatments to improve the condition of certain patients in the context of their skin disease and solutions improving skin health in the process of aging.
Nourish your skin and its inhabitants
No guarantee of sustainability can be offered to poorly nourished skin microflora.
Indeed, regulating the healthy development of the population of bacteria living on the surface of your skin necessarily requires a balance in terms of the quantities and diversity of the types of microorganisms that flourish there.
Nourishing your skin: an obvious fact not always well understood
The real question in this regard is: why does your skin need nourishment?
Just like any of the organs in your body, your epidermal envelope has three key expectations:
- Protect yourself from threats to your sustainability;
- Have the raw material necessary for its daily construction;
- Supply yourself with energy to carry out tasks relating to your first two needs.
For your skin, the energy, the raw material necessary for its design and the means to protect yourself find their source in:
- What your body produces;
- Elements external to your body.
So, when your body produces, for example, collagen and hyaluronic acid to maintain the firmness of your skin and its hydration level, it draws its raw material from trace elements and amino acids from the ingredients you eat. .
Furthermore, your body is incapable, among other things, of synthesizing vitamin C (or any other vitamin for that matter).
Here again, your diet comes into play.
All these considerations lead to a conclusion already drawn for a long time by the medical profession: the way you eat is one of the central elements of the health of your body and therefore of your skin.
Nutrition, an essential element contributing to maintaining the health of your skin
An unbalanced diet will therefore not be able to provide the essential ingredients (in appropriate proportions) for the maintenance and protection of your skin.
The main source of disruption in the behavior of white staphylococci (along with psychological stress, lack of sleep and other sources of oxidative stress), diet must receive special attention.
To meet the specifications for healthy skin, dietary control and a health routine make sense.
To help you meet these needs, nutricosmetics has developed a set of solutions aimed at supporting your body in its daily struggle to maintain normally hydrated skin and to maintain a normal level of protection against oxidative stress.
The usefulness of nutricosmetics is all the greater because even in a normal setting, daily nutrition may prove insufficient to meet the needs of modern life for the skin.
In this sense, its contribution truly aims to target a “normal” lifestyle for your skin.
Nutricosmetics: a nutritional ally for your skin
Taking advantage of the scientific community's growing understanding of the senescence process and the problems your skin may encounter, some dietary supplements use ingredients such as:
- Collagen;
- Hyaluronic acid;
- Trace elements and vitamins.
However, while many nutricosmetic solutions broadly share this list, certain brands demonstrate better control of the issues facing your skin.
MyCollagenLift: the expertise of Swiss nutricosmetics at the service of your skin
Indeed, certain nutricosmetics, such as MyCollagenLift, choose to compose an exclusive formula using ingredients of 100% natural origin and selected to work in synergy with each other.
Developed by MyPUREskin, MyCollagenLift seeks to contribute to your body's effort by:
- The daily reconstruction of your skin;
- The nutritional intake she needs to achieve this;
- Providing it with the active ingredients it needs to maintain its natural defenses against free radicals, a source of oxidative stress.
To achieve this, MyCollagenLift includes:
- Organic marine collagen peptides available;
- Hyaluronic acid capturing nearly 1000 times its weight in water;
- Ceramides from wheat (gluten-free) contributing to the normal functioning of your skin's mechanisms used to limit its insensible water loss;
- Organic silicon;
- Vitamin C extracted from acerola fruit, helping to enable normal production of collagen by your skin in addition to being an antioxidant;
- Vitamin E, a recognized antioxidant;
- Grape OPCs (polyphenols);
- Zinc, a trace element used by your body as part of various reactions in your metabolism.
To allow your skin to continue to live in harmony with its white staphylococci and to ensure smoother old days, implement a healthy routine that makes sense. Physical exercise, sleep, alleviating psychological pressure and controlling your diet should be the cornerstones.
To also contribute to your nutritional efforts, why not try a first course of MyCollagenLift over 3 months?
- Original NIH article popularizing Michael Otto's discovery on the role of Staphylococcus white: