Collagen: what are the signs of a deficiency?
Lacking nutrients in your diet is never a good thing when it comes to taking care of your health.
Lack of iodine, for its part, will put you at risk of hyperthyroidism.
Much less known, collagen deficiency also has its consequences. Furthermore, they become more and more visible over time, in particular because the aging process of your body gradually increases the importance of this problem over the years.
But then, how to recognize a collagen deficiency? What external signs let you know that you are deficient in this essential ingredient? And above all: how to fix it quickly?
The skin, a reflection of your state of health
Muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, headaches... collagen deficiency is associated with many problems but it is especially in your skin that this nutritional lack is most visible.
Skin sagging, loss of thickness and quality of the skin making cellulite more visible and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are the most notable consequences of a collagen deficiency.
Your skin is therefore the first organ affected by this lack, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage since:
- It is relatively easy to notice the appearance of signs of premature aging;
- The skin, especially that of the face, is one of the elements of your body that you show off the most in public, which means that you must take particular care of it to maintain a good image of yourself and give back to the person that you are.
In the same way that it is important to protect your skin from sunburn and harmful products (bleach and other harsh household products), it is essential to nourish it correctly so that it remains healthy for as long as possible.
Why should we not take this deficiency lightly?
There is a reason of primary importance, even vital, beyond the image you project to others. The reason you need to make sure you're not deficient in collagen is because your skin is your body's first line of defense against pathogens from the outside world.
Also, if your skin becomes thinner because it lacks collagen, you expose yourself to greater vulnerability to infectious diseases.
Furthermore, since collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, its role in preventing bodily injuries and functional problems is paramount.
Indeed, collagen serves you as well, for example, to constitute the framework of your bones as to keep your skin supple and firm, capable of resisting cuts and other light injuries on a daily basis.
The long-term consequences of collagen deficiency
Collagen has the particularity of working in collaboration with certain other molecules in your body.
The elastin you produce, for example, binds to it to help your blood vessels, muscles, tendons, and many other parts of your body stay elastic.
We speak of "extracellular matrix" to designate the environment, composed mainly of collagen and elastin, in which your cells are bathed.
The greater your collagen deficiency, the lower the quality of this extracellular environment will be.
In the long term, this can lead to serious dysfunctions within your cells. Indeed, each of them finds in this extracellular matrix the nutrients (proteins, vitamins, trace elements, etc.) which it needs to function. It is by exchanging with this environment that a cell is able to "live": feed itself, reject its waste, duplicate itself to ensure your cellular regeneration (which allows you to stay alive).
Collagen is therefore an essential constituent to your health, since it is an essential constituent of the extracellular matrix necessary for the life of your cells.
Why are you lacking in collagen?
If the factors explaining the slowdown in your collagen production are both genetic and epigenetic (environmental), certain elements of this second category are preponderant in the explanation of this slowdown, as you will understand after reading our article on the collagen production regime .
Smoking, in particular, and frequent alcohol consumption but also all sources of free radicals (pollution, chronic fatigue, daily psychological stress), producing oxidative stress, are important elements.
In this case, the earlier you start smoking and drinking alcohol, the greater your chances of exposing yourself to collagen deficiency. The fact of continuing to smoke and drink, moreover, for years and on a regular basis also weighs heavily in the balance.
This is why premature aging is more common in people with at least one of the following characteristics:
- Chronic smoking, whether active or passive;
- Regular alcohol consumption;
- Nutritional deficiencies due to poor consumption of foods that can provide antioxidants to the body such as certain fruits and vegetables (helping to reduce free radicals and therefore fight against oxidative stress);
- Unprotected and frequent exposure to the sun's rays (because of UV rays);
- Chronic lack of sleep;
- Chronic stress.
The problem is that once your collagen production starts to slow down, there's no going back, so the aging process is accelerated unless you treat the problem by providing your body with a source of collagen to make up for it. deficit and boost your own production.
Marine collagen bio peptides: a first choice ingredient
Produced from collagen mainly from fish skin, marine collagen biopeptides are a very specific form of collagen.
Not only is this active ingredient entirely natural and obtained by processes that fully respect the laws of bioethics and animal welfare (unlike bovine collagen), but its bioavailability is much higher than that of so-called non-hydrolyzed collagen. classic" (commonly called "collagen" in the nutricosmetic industry).
By offering the lowest molecular weight on the market (the importance of such a characteristic is explained in our article on this subject), our team has mastered an essential ingredient in the composition of a very effective formula. in order to help you in your fight against aging and, in general, in your collagen deficiency problems.
MyCollagenLift: the “all-in-one” solution against collagen deficiency
It is precisely because the formula of the MyCollagenLift anti-aging food supplement is rich in organic marine collagen peptides that this nutricosmetic is a very effective solution to combat your collagen deficiencies.
But it is also because it contains hyaluronic acid and many other 100% natural ingredients with antioxidant properties that it is a “first-in-class” nutricosmetic.
In this case, in the MyCollagenLift powder, which you dilute in your morning glass of water, you will find:
- Highly bioavailable marine collagen bio peptides, covering your current deficiencies while preventing future ones (by stimulating your own collagen production);
- Hyaluronic acid nourishes your skin's collagen by retaining water to gradually distribute it to your cells according to their needs;
- Ceramides to increase the lifespan of these marine collagen bio peptides but also the collagen you produce, in addition to supporting the effects of the hyaluronic acid contained in the formula;
- Organic silicon to restructure your skin, as it receives marine collagen bio peptides and hyaluronic acid, so that its health is preserved for as long as possible;
- SOD (SuperOxide Dismutase), an enzyme doubly protecting your cells (inside and outside), the real keystone of our antioxidant complex;
- Zinc, reinforcing the activity of SOD protecting the SOD itself by accompanying it for greater effectiveness, and also offering antioxidant properties;
- Vitamins C (acerola) and E, an essential element of the MyCollagenLift antioxidant complex in the fight against free radicals;
- Grape OPCs (OptoAnthoCyanes), ingredient of the antioxidant complex with antioxidant properties complementary to those of vitamins.
Rich in all these ingredients, MyCollagenLift is therefore a perfect anti-aging nutricosmetic for those who want to remedy their collagen deficiencies and obtain visible long-term results.