Hyaluronic acid, a powerful molecule with moisturizing and anti-aging effects

Hyaluronic acid, a powerful molecule with moisturizing and anti-aging effects

Would you like to try hyaluronic acid? We tell you more about this popular technique.

Used in cosmetics, cosmetic surgery, or as a food supplement, hyaluronic acid is today known to be the new miracle ingredient in anti-aging products. Although the name of this molecule gives us the impression that it comes straight from a chemistry laboratory, it is actually present naturally in our body and is responsible for many aspects of it. Operation, effect and use, we suggest you take a quick look at this miracle molecule.

A powerful moisturizing molecule with anti-wrinkle effects

Hyaluronic acid is present in our eyes, our cartilage and our skin. This molecule acts like a sponge that captures and retains water to hydrate the body. Among other things, it is what gives the skin its plump, toned and fresh appearance.

Naturally, the level of hyaluronic acid in our body decreases with age. To give you an idea, at age 50 the level of hyaluronic acid present in our body has already halved. Less hydrated, our skin slackens and therefore reveals wrinkles.

However, a supply of hyaluronic acid helps repair the signs of aging on your skin. There are several anti-aging techniques using hyaluronic acid, we'll give you a quick summary.

Hyaluronic acid: anti-wrinkle remedy par excellence

Hyaluronic acid creams:

The hyaluronic acid used in creams has a high molecular weight, which allows it to retain a large amount of water on the surface of the skin and hydrate it. By hydrating the skin, wrinkles are reduced.

Hyaluronic acid injections:

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetic surgery. In fact, the injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin allows it to be deeply hydrated and restore volume where necessary. The injections help reshape the contours of your face and fill in fine lines.

What about hyaluronic acid as a food supplement?

The hyaluronic acid used in food supplements and in MyCollagenLift is low molecular weight. If high molecular weight hyaluronic acid molecules help retain water on the surface of the epidermis, those with low molecular weight can penetrate the skin deeply and hydrate it. Food supplements based on hyaluronic acid help hydrate the skin from the inside, where creams cannot reach.

In addition to its moisturizing properties, it has been scientifically proven that hyaluronic acid also has regenerative properties. It participates in particular in the healing process and cell development.

By penetrating deep into the dermis, food supplements based on hyaluronic acid stimulate cell regeneration and plump the skin.

Who can use hyaluronic acid?

Since hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our body, it rarely causes allergic reactions and can therefore be used by everyone. Younger skin types can use it to hydrate their skin to prevent signs of aging and maintain a fresh complexion. More mature skin can use it to correct imperfections, fill in wrinkles and plump their skin.