The health benefits and virtues of acerola

The health benefits and virtues of acerola

This small, bright red exotic fruit, also nicknamed “Barbados cherry”, is renowned for its numerous health benefits and virtues. Its rich content of vitamin C, vitamin A and flavonoids makes it an ideal food supplement to combat winter fatigue and strengthen the immune system. Anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-aging effects, the therapeutic properties of acerola have been demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. In today's article, we reveal everything about this miraculous little fruit.

Strengthen your immune system with acerola

Acerola is one of the foods richest in vitamin C (its vitamin C content is 40 times higher than that of oranges), which makes it an excellent stimulant for the immune system and a powerful remedy against scurvy. (disease caused by vitamin C deficiency).

Acerola also allows you to eliminate toxins from your body. Therefore, if you feel tired during this winter period, you can take acerola in the form of a food supplement or juice to give you a boost.

Acerola: antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory

Very popular in South America, the natives already used acerola to fight against dysentery and fever. Studies by researchers have demonstrated its antibacterial effects on Staphylococcus epidermidis , as well as its effects against fungal infections and its anti-inflammatory properties.

Acerola is therefore a real little therapeutic gem that offers plenty of benefits to your body.

Prevent cancer with acerola

Several studies carried out by Japanese researchers have demonstrated that acerola has potential anti-cancer properties, particularly against lung cancer. During an experiment, they observed that acerola extract stopped the growth of lung tumor cells in a mouse.

The benefits of acerola for the heart

For people who suffer from obesity or high cholesterol, acerola protects the body from bad cholesterol. Its richness in vitamin C (which is a very good antioxidant) also gives it beneficial properties for the heart.

Strengthen your bones with acerola

Acerola is also very rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which gives it powerful remineralizing properties. So, acerola is ideal for strengthening your bones and teeth.

Acerola: your new anti-aging remedy

Vitamin C is an essential element in the production of collagen, a protein which gives a supple and toned appearance to your skin. Consuming acerola in the form of a food supplement therefore allows you to stimulate collagen synthesis and preserve the appearance of your skin.

Furthermore, its richness in antioxidants allows it to protect your body's cells against free radicals, and therefore to fight against premature aging.

Recognized for its numerous therapeutic virtues, acerola has become a key ingredient in nutricosmetics and anti-aging medicine.

Our experts have combined acerola with the most effective anti-aging active ingredients on the market to create MyCollagenLift, a food supplement at the cutting edge of biotechnology. Thanks to the perfect synergy of its components, MyCollagenLift stimulates, protects and nourishes your skin cells, for optimal anti-aging results.