What types of collagen are present in our body and what are they used for?

What types of collagen are present in our body and what are they used for?

If the word “collagen” seems to be on everyone's lips today in conversations about health and well-being, it is because it is an essential element for the proper functioning of our body.

An essential ingredient in the tasty daily routine that a body in the prime of life can appreciate, far from the problems that aging introduces us to later, collagen is however not as unitary as one might believe.

Indeed, we should rather speak of “collagens”, in the sense that this peptide dear to our body takes on multiple forms, depending on the needs expressed by the different parts of our beautiful biological mechanics.

What exactly are these plural collagens ? What are its functions? Is there, by chance, a solution to cover all of the needs that each of them leaves unmet by disappearing over time?

The different types of collagen in our body

From the graceful movements of an agile ballerina in a gentle and spectacular landing to the sporting prowess of Olympic athletes, the conductor that is evolution has endowed the human body with a collection of molecules with astonishing properties.

Among these are the category of collagen peptides which are involved in these artistic and sporting activities but also in each of your smiles, movements and muscular solicitations of all kinds.

If we are capable of such great freedom of action, it is at the cost of a magnificent diversity of collagens which are distinguished by a set of numbers assigned by medicine to each of them for reasons of convenience.

The most representative of these collagens are: type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4, type 5 and type 10.

Type 1 collagen

Tendons, ligaments, skin and digestive tract are the main sites of this type of abundant collagen, relative to other types. This peptide also helps the body's agents in charge of bone design. It is thanks to him, among other things, that wounds can heal properly.

Type 2 collagen

Involved in the constitution of cartilage, this collagen is essential for the proper functioning of joints. In this sense, this peptide is an important protein for anyone who wants to prevent the onset of joint pain linked to the aging process.

Type 3 collagen

Working in concert with its type 1 counterpart, type 3 collagen enters the arsenal deployed by the body to ensure elasticity and firmness to the skin but also resistance to the walls of our organs. As such, this type of collagen helps prevent certain systemic problems that can cause, for example, the rupture of a blood vessel.

It is therefore vital that another molecule can fulfill its role, if necessary, to limit the risks of heart disease with age.

Type 4 collagen

An integral part of the layer of tissue which surrounds organs and muscles but also lining the digestive system, among other things, this collagen takes part in the body's effort to keep the digestive and respiratory machinery in good condition.

Type 5 collagen

Actor in the skin cell regeneration process, type 5 collagen is used in particular by the body of pregnant women to create the skin of the fetus, it is therefore essential throughout life, especially for those wishing to become mothers.

Type 10 collagen

Particularly important in the constant fight against osteoporosis, this collagen contributes to ossification.

Preserving its production for as long as possible is therefore essential to protect the body in the event of possible future domestic accidents.

Marine collagen and well-being: when anti-aging medicine gives hope

In its race against the effects of aging, the quest for well-being is one of the values ​​at the very foundation of anti-aging medicine. These effects being multiple, researchers quickly highlighted that the progressive reduction in the human body of collagen, all types combined, explains a large part of the undesirable “disorders” that we must endure on a daily basis over time.

Indeed, it is, among other things, because type 2 collagen decreases that joint pain appears and then worsens as we progress towards senior status.

To combat this problem, one of the undisputed champions of anti-aging medicine is now taking shape in the most effective anti-aging food supplements: marine collagen.

MyCollagenLift: the Swiss genius for preventing and reducing joint pain

However, if a marine collagen treatment alone is indeed a powerful counter to the torments that the aging process can cause, there are even more spectacular approaches.

This is the case for certain treatments whose effects combine aesthetics and good health for ease of integration into your skin sagging prevention routine.

MyCollagenLift, a brilliant performance of Swiss know-how of which the researchers at the MyPURESkin laboratories are capable, is an excellent example.

By combining with the virtues of marine collagen ensuring the reduction of wrinkles and fine lines for skin regaining its tone, this food supplement uses all the power of ingredients of natural origin to eliminate all risk factors for long-term consequences for the organism.

Combining the antioxidant effects of pure SOD (SuperOxide Dismutase enzyme) with the hydrating effects of hyaluronic acid, MyCollagenLift is a flagship solution for nutrition based on marine collagen to better cope with aging.

Improved digestion, relief and prevention of joint pain, increased energy, the cohesion of the processes at work to preserve your health has never been so surprising.