Essential for maintaining your health and even your life, vitamins are featured on cartons of juice, soup and even cereal boxes.
Having long been the subject of intense communication to overcome health problems at a time when deficiencies were the norm, vitamins are now among the most accessible nutrients on the food market... really?
In reality, several studies carried out by the World Health Organization denounce that several billion people suffer from deficiencies, including in the most representative Western countries, as shown in a study carried out in 2012 by the team of researcher Barbara Troesch¹ . _
To explain these deficiencies, the micronutrients conspicuous by their absence are mainly vitamins A, D and E.
The latter in particular seems to be poorly known by the general public.
However, life expectancy in these same countries seems to remain at a reasonable level.
Therefore, a question arises: what is the real role of these vitamins that we talk about all the time everywhere? Why is vitamin E essential for your skin? What effects can you expect from it?

Nutrients without energy value, vitamins are not one of your body's “fuels”, unlike proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
However, it is among other things because these particular molecules are found in your body that it becomes capable of transforming the nutrients in question into energy usable by your cells. Unable to produce most of the vitamins it needs, your body must rely on food.
Chicken liver for vitamin A, mushrooms for vitamin D and wheat oils for vitamin E are some of the common ingredients that doctors recommend consuming to meet your vitamin needs.
Vitamins: multiple roles and their own classification
The notion of “vitamin” does not allow specific molecules to be identified “in absolute terms” in the sense that certain molecules will play the role of vitamins for one species but not for another.
But then, what are vitamins and what are they used for exactly?
From the point of view of humans, vitamin C for example, which is the best known of all, refers to sodium ascorbate (commonly known as “ascorbic acid”), calcium ascorbate or, generally speaking, ascorbate. other minerals.
Far from serving directly to rebuild your muscles, your skin or any other element of your body like the amino acids making up the proteins in your diet, vitamins have a plural role, very different from one to the other.
However, these roles primarily fall into one of two, usually both, categories:
- A coenzymatic function;
- A hormonal function.
In fact, the coenzymatic function of vitamin C is, for example, linked, among other things, to maintaining the health of your skin since this vitamin makes it possible to provide the conditions necessary for the synthesis of collagen by your body (we speak of collagen "endogenous").
The hormonal function of this same vitamin also covers the stimulation of your immune system.
In other words, without vitamin C, the amino acids used to rebuild and maintain your body could not be used properly and you would get sick.
One of the most common problems of vitamin C deficiency is, for example, scurvy, well known to sailors, which leads to progressive loosening of the teeth.
Vitamin E: special properties
Particularly present in almonds, pumpkin, asparagus, mango, avocado and even wheat oil, vitamin E is often used as an anti-sterility agent in different species but also and above all as an antioxidant in humans. .
A notable exception to the classification, vitamin E does not have a particular coenzymatic role. This is the reason why it is often used in formulas to support senescence, thanks to its “pure” role.
It is in fact relatively easy, compared to other types of molecules, to determine the chain of reactions which results from its association with other active ingredients.
In a study published in 2016 ² , Mohammad Abid Keen also highlights the results obtained both topically (cutaneous application of classic cosmetics) and orally (consumption of nutricosmetic products, that is to say vitamin E in the form of a food supplement).
We find confirmation that this highly stable molecule is capable of neutralizing free radicals to protect the skin from the effects of oxidative stress that can result, for example, from prolonged exposure to the sun's UV rays.
As Mohammad reminds us, the role of vitamin E in protecting the production mechanisms of endogenous collagen gives it a particularly valuable function for those seeking to preserve the firmness of their skin.
Furthermore, from atopic dermatitis to acne, including skin ulcers, psoriasis and even scleroderma, the researcher highlights that the field of action of vitamin E is very vast.
A molecule that improves the properties of the skin... but not directly!
Despite the plurality of effects characterizing vitamin E and contrary to preconceived ideas conveyed by many nutricosmetic brands, improving the level of skin hydration does not result from the sole action of this molecule.
The same would go for the firmness-enhancing properties attributed to it.
Indeed, in a study published in 2021 ³ , the team of researcher Anna Puscion-Jakubik shows for example a very low level of correlation, particularly among young women, between the gain in hydration for the skin and the intake of vitamin E alone.
In other words: yes, vitamin E allows better hydration of the skin and greater firmness, but only when it is combined with other active ingredients in a well-thought-out synergy.
MyCollagenLift: a well-thought-out synergy of vitamins and trace elements to support your aging
It is precisely to help resolve your daily problems linked to the aging process that the MyPUREskin team has deployed all its know-how in creating MyCollagenLift.
Anxious to offer you real results, we have brought together a batch of ingredients selected for their individual properties but also for their ability to work together.
Exclusive formula of 100% natural origin, MyCollagenLift builds its relevance on the latest scientific discoveries by combining vitamins, trace elements and proteins that make sense in order to:
- Nourish your skin from the inside;
- Support your production of collagen and hyaluronic acid to achieve a correct level of hydration;
- Support your body's defenses against threats to the integrity of your skin (such as oxidative stress).
MyCollagenLift is therefore a concentrate of effectiveness containing:
- Vitamins E and C (extracted from acerola fruit) serve both to support your antioxidant defenses, to contribute to maintaining your body's synthesis of endogenous collagen and to indirectly support the preservation of your skin hydration ;
- Highly bioavailable collagen peptides to support your collagen production;
- Hyaluronic acid, capable of increasing its water mass by 1000 times, to help find and maintain a correct level of skin hydration;
- Wheat ceramides (gluten-free) go in the direction of this optimization of hydration by supporting your body's natural mechanisms used to prevent insensible water loss;
- Organic silicon used to support your antioxidant defenses in addition to helping to maintain healthy skin restructuring;
- Grape OPCs and zinc known for their antioxidant role.
If vitamin E already offers appreciable beauty benefits, it is in fact through a combination of hand-picked active ingredients that you will be able to obtain visible results quickly in terms of hydration and firmness. but also and above all in the long term.
By putting the effectiveness of its formula at the service of your beauty routine, MyCollagenLift offers to help you when you are looking to take care of yourself in the best possible way, that is to say in a transparent, natural and effective way. .
Ready for your first MyCollagenLift treatment? The first effects are noticeable after 4 weeks!
- Study on the low level of vitamin intake among populations in Western countries, compared to medical recommendations in this area:
- Study on the use of vitamin E in dermatology:
- Study by the Puscion-Jakubik team on the effects of vitamins and trace elements on skin hydration: