Rendre son élasticité à votre peau avec du silicium organique, possible ? - MyPureSkin

Is it possible to restore elasticity to your skin with organic silicon?

If your skin does not tear at the slightest friction, if your epidermis does not crack every time the temperature drops a degree, it is because your skin envelope is endowed with tremendous elasticity.

Able to withstand pressure and traction, the marvelous mechanics of your skin is made possible by a fine combination of elements produced at the heart of your cells.

Unfortunately, the years that pass have an impact on your body and gradually slow down the synthesis processes of these elements.

However, scientific discoveries are increasing to suggest that certain molecules have a beneficial effect on the regulation of these processes by providing a framework to support your body's efforts. In other words: it would be possible to maintain the elasticity of your skin for longer.

Among these molecules known to support aging, organic silicon is attracting the attention of the medical profession for its particular properties.

But what exactly does your body produce to give your skin its elasticity? How does organic silicon help you maintain their production by your body?

The MyPUREskin team gives you the keys to expect less uncomfortable aging.

The molecules of youth

There are many of them and we know them for various uses but it is especially nutricosmetics which has made the most effective of them shine in recent years by making them act “in depth”: these are mainly collagen and hyaluronic acid.

From collagen to elastin: between firmness and elasticity

Celebrated both by skin application formulas and by nutricosmetic products, collagen is one of the key molecules for maintaining the properties of firm skin.

Naturally present in the deep layers of your skin, this active ingredient is synthesized by your cells in order to provide your epidermis with the robustness that characterizes it.

It is precisely because the aging process slows down its production that your skin loses its properties.

Furthermore, collagen plays an essential role in the synthesis of elastin, the main effect of which is to provide your skin with elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid and ceramide: to nourish and prevent

To provide your skin with the means to hydrate while preventing it from losing the water it acquires, nutricosmetic professionals use a well-known combination: hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

Present naturally in your epidermis because it is produced by your body, hyaluronic acid also sees its synthesis slow down with age.

Capable of carrying nearly 1000 times its weight in water, this molecule is perfectly accompanied by ceramide, whose main property is to limit your insensible loss of water (such as perspiration and respiration).

Order in your skin

While each of these active ingredients brings its share of beauty benefits, the fact remains that the aging process tends to make their processing by your cells less effective. This is explained by a loss of efficiency of your cellular metabolism reactions but also by a disruption at the level of your tissues. Indeed, the structure of your skin, which ensures optimal functioning, deteriorates during the aging process.

Organic silicon: between skin structuring and stimulation of collagen synthesis

This is the reason why organic silicon is a key ingredient in any food supplement aimed at supporting aging.

A trace element necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, it is also a skin restructuring agent consolidating the organization of the layers of your skin.

In this sense, organic silicon is a key element for maintaining the quality of your skin since it:

  • Upstream, to stimulate the renewal of connective tissues, particularly the dermis (whose extracellular matrix, a major component, is made of collagen and elastin);
  • Downstream, to maintain the wall of blood vessels, ensuring good irrigation and therefore good nutrition of the skin and many other organs.

It is in particular thanks to studies such as that of researcher Lidiane Advincula de Araujo, published in 2016, that we have been able to highlight the extent of the effects of organic silicon.

As Dr. Advincula concludes in his article¹ , the therapeutic potential of this trace element with regard to the skin, hair and nails is exceptional when consumed in the form of a dietary supplement.

MyCollagenLift: a formula upstream and downstream of the metabolism of senescent skin

It is through an exclusive formula, whose effectiveness proven over the course of treatments never ceases to amaze, that MyCollagenLift aims to support you in your journey towards aging.

Contribution of MyPUREskin laboratories to your initiative towards a certain well-being, this food supplement indeed puts the relevance of its ingredients at the service of your skin by providing it:

  • Targeted nutrition;
  • Some support for your production of endogenous collagen and hyaluronic acid by stimulation;
  • A contribution to your natural protection against oxidative stress, a factor of premature aging.

To do this, MyCollagenLift synergizes active ingredients of 100% natural origin:

  • Marine collagen bio peptides (whose better absorption capacity makes them a more interesting choice than classic non-hydrolyzed collagens);
  • Hyaluronic acid allowing your skin to remain deeply hydrated at all times;
  • Ceramides from wheat oil offering very appreciable protection against imperceptible water loss;
  • Vitamin C extracted from acerola fruit to protect your cells from oxidative stress;
  • Vitamin E whose antioxidant properties accompany those of vitamin C;
  • Organic silicon, known for its role as a skin restructuring agent, in addition to its ability to neutralize free electrons;
  • Grape OPCs whose ability to capture non-electrically neutral atoms allows it to provide you with support for increased protection against oxidative stress.

Perfectly designed to support your defense mechanisms against the risks of premature aging, MyCollagenLift has been recognized as “a product of exceptional quality to combat oxidative stress” by the IEA (European Institute of Antioxidants).

But above all, this food supplement is the central part of an effective 3-month beauty treatment, the first results of which are visible from 4 weeks.

Ready to get your skin back in order? Try MyCollagenLift today.

  1. Study on the therapeutic potential of organic silicon: